American Sign Language
Self-Guided Tour
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we worship God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We come to the house of the Lord to learn about them and promise to follow their commandments. Like biblical temples, modern temples are places of peace, love and connection. Temples also are places where sacred religious ceremonies are performed
• During the open house, we invite everyone to enter the temple and learn about its purposes.
• Once the temple is dedicated, members of the Church qualify to enter by striving to live a righteous life and having Christ-like devotion. They are then issued a card, called a temple recommend, which allows them to enter and worship in the temple.
• Jesus Christ himself was baptized and taught us baptism is required to enter the kingdom of God (John 3)
• In our church meeting houses, baptisms are performed for the living after they are eight years old.
• Through family research, we also identify our ancestors and perform baptisms in their behalf in our temple.
• This baptism is an offering of love. We believe those who have died are free to accept or decline this gift of baptism.
• The practice of being baptized for the dead was mentioned by the Apostle Paul (1 Cor.15:29).
• The baptismal font is similar to the font in Solomon’s temple, described in the Bible (1 Kings 7:25)
• The 12 oxen symbolize the 12 tribes of Israel spoken about in the Old Testament
• Members change from everyday clothes to white clothing while in the temple. This apparel is symbolic that all are equal before God.
• This room is provided as a waiting or gathering place for a bride prior to her marriage ceremony which takes place in a sealing room. (See #7)
• Members come to the instruction room to learn more about the mission of Jesus Christ and God’s plan for us.
• Through an audiovisual presentation, we learn where we came from, why we are here, and where we go when we die.
• As part of the instruction, members make promises, called covenants, to follow God and keep His commandments.
• Temple altars, like the one in this room, remind us of Jesus Christ and the redemption we find in Him as we approach God.
• The celestial room is one of the most sacred places on earth and symbolizes heaven or being in God’s presence.
• The celestial room is a place of quiet contemplation and prayer where we can feel close to and commune with God.
• There are no ceremonies in this sacred room.
• The sealing room is where marriages or sealings are performed.
• A couple kneels across an altar and are sealed together so their marriage can last beyond this life and into eternity. Children may also be sealed to their parents.
• The authority to seal or bind families together forever was given to the Apostle Peter as mentioned in the New Testament (Matt.16:19).
• As with other temple ceremonies, these ordinances are also performed for our deceased ancestors.
Learn more about what happens in the temple on a virtual tour of the Washington D.C. Temple with Elder and Sister Stevenson and Elder and Sister Renlund.
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Learn more about the Washington D.C. Temple:
Learn more about what happens inside temples here